When everyone was chanting "B-B" during the Two Minutes of Hate Winston and O'Brien shared a meaning full look. It was impossible for them not to chant the words because Big Brother's men were controlling them. But there was a moment where everyone could think and control their own thoughts in between each chant. In one of those moments Winston looked at O'Brien and their eyes locked. the "look" said they both have the same opinion of Big Brother; a different one than was allowed by the police/government. It is significant because Winston felt really alone about his opinion of his hatred for the government but the glance could indicate that O'Brien wants to team up with Winston somehow. It supports the dystopian atmosphere because it shows how miserable everyone is and how they have to do things, do everything in fact, against their will.

This is a picture from I Robot (movie) where Sonny winks at the human to show that he's on his side and can trust him, kind of like the glance Winston and O'Brien had.
I chose this image because he is alone; he has no family or friends. He is living a miserable life and he can't even remember if he ever had a good one. He has people monitoring his thoughts, the Thought Police, and can never get them out of his head. He is somewhat alienated because he does not know if anyone else feels the same way about Big Brother or the rest of the government.
succinct and perfectly stated!