Summary: Anayat
Theme word: "Lost"
In the first chapter a man named Winston Smith returns to his home. The panic that grabs hold of Winston when he realizes that he has written down "down with big brother" reveals his certainty in the pervasive omniscient of the party and the efficiency of its monitoring techniques. In chapter 2 Winston is scared thinking the cops are at his door but it was just his neighbor. While in the neighbors apartment hes accused of thought crime. Winston hears a voice and writes it in his diary. In chapter 3 he feels extremely responsible for his mothers disappearance in political purge almost 20 years ago. Winston cant remember his childhood, nor are there documents backing it up.
Discussion Director: Kayla
1. What do you think will happen if the government finds out Winston is writing a journal?
Answer from the group: Winston will be arrested for "thought crime" and people who are known for being arrested for "thought crime" usually dissapear.
2. What do you think "Big Brother" means/is?
Answer from the group: Big Brother is a made up person by the government to control people and to monitor everyone.
Passage Master: Natassja
"Who controls the past.. controls the future: Who controls the present controls the past." (pg. 37)
A. This appears in Chapter 3, when Winston is thinking about the Party control of history and memory.
B. This passage is important because it is an example of the Party's technique of using false history to break down psychological independence of its subjects. Control of the past ensures control of the future, because the past can be treated essentially as a set of conditions that justify or encourage future goals.
C. When your parents treat you a certain way when you're younger or teach you certain things so that when you are older you are a certain way.
Word Reporter: Sydney
Alterable: Capable of being changed or altered in some characteristic
Invariably: Unchanged; always the same
Fabrication: Construction or manufacture from prepared components
Connector: Jayson
1. The First Chapter when Winston is writing his in book hiding from the telescreen.
2. Soon after the two minutes of hate Winston is not allowed to write your own thoughts or words.
3. Winston simply hides from the telescreen and writes in his diary until someone knocks on his door and he gets scared.
4. It reminds me of the TV show Dexter.
5. Living a secret, hiding from everyone, and not being able to talk to anyone.
6. If you've watched the show Dexter you learn to not share what you're doing with other, and to keep things to yourself.
This picture of a small boy represents our theme of "Lost" and how Winston does not remember anything from his childhood.
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